Here is the photo of the assembled terminator assault squad.
If anyone has suggestions of Blood Angel names for both the squad and individual members please leave a comment?
After assembling the Space Marine Terminator squad I couldn’t help myself and powered up the laptop and got myself onto the Maelstrom Games website and placed an order for a boxed set of Space Marine Assault Terminators, which arrived this morning :o)
I just need to hide them from the girl friend as I'm supposed to be saving for a new bathroom lol.
More pics to come.
Here I have photos of the assembled terminator squad. I've tried to remove all the mould lines from the plastics and pose in dynamic stances. I removed the flash from the librarian and chaplain but resisted converting the mini this time around, maybe next time my sweets!
Welsh slate was glued to the bases to try and add an extra aspect to the posing and modelling sand was applied.
Next I would like to begin naming the squad and the individual minis. After a brief stint browsing the Internet I settled with the following names: -
Squad = Lazurus
Chaplain = Argastes
Librarian = Furion
Brother Leonatos (Sergeant with power weapon and storm bolter)
Brother Menelus (Heavy flamer and power fist)
Brother Mabuse (Storm bolter and power fist)
Brother Vesalius (Storm bolter and power fist)
Brother Raphael (Storm bolter and power fist)
If anyone has a suggestion of better names please leave a comment?
More to come,