Tuesday 22 March 2011

Serpent Guard rhino hatch design

I'm making progress with my Serpent Guard at last. I almost have an entire Chaos Space Marine squad with rhino painted whooooooo!  :O)    Here is a photo of the top hatch of the rhino with the finished free hand design applied:
I thought it best to take a photo of the finished design before I ruin it with weathering and battle damage lol.

More to come,


Monday 14 March 2011

New toys for my Serpent Guard army

Here is a photo of the latest addition to my Serpent Guard army:

I finally managed to get my grubby little hands on a reasonably priced greater daemon via eBay. I just need to clean and fill it then it'll be time to get paint onto this baby  :O)

Over the weekend I managed to spend some time working on my first Serpent Guard unit and they are nearly finished. I just need to paint the iconography and the banner for the champion then they'll be finished (excluding the base work). Once finished I will upload photos for crtique  :O)

More to come,


Wednesday 9 March 2011

I'm still here and Serpent Guard update

Well I'm still here, not much to show for my weekend though thanks to some complete b£$%?rd who stole my motorcycle whilst I was sleeping!!!! 

I did begin working on my 'Serpent Guard' army for a change. Most of my 1500 point tournament army list is now undercoated and I have begun to focus on induvidual squads.

Here are a couple of photos from my painting station as of this morning before I left for work:

I'm trying to stay away from the standard 'paint the recesses black' approach on the rhino and instead I went with white. The large white panels of the rhino I will paint free hand designs onto as illustrated on an eariler post.

I still have lots of side projects awaiting completion, including quite alot of Tau vehicles which were left over after a project I completed a year ago as well as the Blood Angel Storm Raven and Furioso dread which are still in their wrapping and sitting on a shelf  :O( 

There is talk of a commission job on the horizon following supply to a satisfied cutomer on eBay? I will blog about this further if it becomes a reality?

More to come,


Friday 4 March 2011


Just a quick one today. Here are some photos of my latest batch of castings for my obliterators.

I still have to work out a couple of problems with the pouring process to remove voids but I'm getting there slowly.
Next I'll make the molds for the bases then I'll be ready to begin casting batches off ready for my apoc game in a few weeks  :O)

More to come,


Wednesday 2 March 2011

Busy busy busy!

Hello all,

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, things are hotting up over here in the Rumplemaster household. Lots of projects going on at the moment but there is not allot to show for it yet  :O(

First here is a photo of something I'm quite excited about:

 (Mark II silicone mold for one of my chaos obliterator sculpts)

Hopefully this Mark II mold will correct this issues I had with the first and remove the air bubbles forming? I'll be taking a resin cast out tonight once home from work and will have a photo uploaded of the success or failure once assembled.

Now that the Blood Angels have all been sold, posted and the last commission job has been completed I've had time to work on my personal army, the 'Serpent Guard'.  After two solid evenings of undercoating, basecoating, washing and shading I now have 50% of my 1500 point tournament army looking very red indeed. Once I have something of interest to show you I will post some photos but please hang on in there as I hope the wait will be worth it in the end?   :O)

More to come soon and perhaps even some website graphic samples for commenting?
