Thursday 13 January 2011

Work station update

Okay, here I have a low resolution photo of a mini I've had sat at my workstation for a couple of weeks.
This guy is going to be one of the Chaos Sorcerers in my successor chapter. He's a very early W.I.P but I'm hoping for great things from him once I've sculpted the robes, scripture and iconography. 

Also shown here is the test piece I completed of the shoulder pad design, which I will be applying as my chapter icon.
I have since applied this design to the miniatures I previewed in an earlier post (the silhouette). I hope to have the squad completed by Friday evening and completed photos should be up online on Monday at both my mybattalion and coolminiornot profiles. 

If you would like links to these please go to the following:

Thanks for reading, please comment and follow me if you like what you see?



  1. Can't believe it took me this long to find your blog Rumplemaster! This guy looks like he'll be quite an awesome centre piece with some paint on him! That's a great force weapon on him, he'll look great with robes too. Always look forward to seeing more of your work man!

  2. Thanks for reading Bo Bo. And thanks for following me too :O)
